About this blog

Hey, This is Kiran, A guy with simple life, mixed with very little complications, as most humans have, which keeps it interesting.

This blog is an attempt to answers some of the Bharat culture, Mythology and the reasons behind some superstitions.

Remember, when you were a child your parents or elders told you to do some things and to refrain from doing others? They did tell you it was good, but never really provided a good explanation as to why? Well, I came across a book that was given to me by my dad / father, that contains answers to most of these topics. I hope this provides to be insightful and answers most of questions you may have. In addition to the book, my ex-wife / friend Sri Devi contributed by providing information, I did not have and the book could not explain well.

I will keep adding to this blog with more and more answers, as I continue to read the book(s).

Please leave a comment, suggestion and ask any questions, that I could research and post them on this blog.

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